exam really suck i have fail my maths becauce of the exam pressure
I HATE EXAMARH why do we have exam..
TO ALL THE TEACHERS OUT THERE PLEASE STOP THESE EXAM...SAVE THE WORLD N PLEASE DO NOT FAIL ANYONE.................................................................................................... shit that exam alright
i just found out that my maths is....47 that not good....i have fail.....this is my fisrt time fail in maths oohhh mann what am i going too say to my dad ohhhhh noooo.......noooo...oh my allah tolong la aku......
naik kan lah markah maths aku please....aduh :(
yaaaaloooo im at my grandpa n grandma place at petaling jaya and tonight were going test driving...........still dont know where??but hahahahhaha maybe i will ride n maybe im not hahahahahaha
anyways good luck brother .....
is facebook good or bad.....i think its good for the communication n i think its bad for the..........budak-budak privateties laa....n we cannot put something private at the facebook...its bad for the MARUAH of your own name n your family....
n dont give people your password that is bad because someone can say bad stuff about you in facebook
........i dont understand about this pokeking stuff what do they doo just poke people hahahha i wanna poke u all hahahahaahaha n please again i say DO NOT GIVE ANYBODY YOUR PASSWORD.....thank you hahahhaha n be happy...,. :)
my mum always say anak tido awal tau....hahahhaha but i did not.............i play around with my bro when my mum come in my room semua kelang kabut hahahhahhha pura2 tidooo haaaaaaa memories......is sometimes cool n sometime not cool hahahhaha......night ...